
Access to the administration and scoring program, product page, and training materials is limited to individuals that acquired relevant education, training, supervised experience and/or maintain competence in assessment, as well as, accordingly meet the applicable educational requirements of their state, province, or country. For that, new users are obliged to verify their credentials in the below registration process. After approving your credentials, the system will grant access to your account and you will be allowed to purchase protocol allocations for test administration, scoring, and further items listed on our Products page, always according to your account level.

There are three types of accounts, as described below. After reading carefully the account featers, you are welcome to sign up for the chosen account type. Additionally, please note, registered users can have multiple types of accounts and can access their test profiles (and protocols) on your individual 'Client Pool' page. Selecting a type of account below will open a new page that allows you to provide relevant information about your personal data and credentials.



without order limit


online test administration & automatic test-choice recording


or alternatively, manual test-choice recording on web-based record sheet


full display of Rating Scales Report


full access to Library & Forum




$13.95 per Rating Scales Report (if purchasing 10 or more)


$17.95 per Rating Scales Report (if purchasing less than 10)



purchasing over 30 Rating Scales Report


online test administration & automatic test-choice recording


or alternatively, manual test-choice recording on web-based record sheet


full display of Rating Scales Report


full access to Library & Forum


full access to online Manual


$11.95 per Rating Scales Report (if purchasing 30 to 80)


$9.95 per Rating Scales Report (if purchasing more than 80)



purchasing over 60 test profiles without visual display of scores


variable scores can be downloaded and imported into database programs (csv / tsv / xlsx)


online test administration & automatic test-choice recording


manual test-choice recording is NOT available.


$8.95 per Rating Scales Report (if purchasing 60 to 100)


$7.95 per Rating Scales Report (if purchasing more than 100)